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Transgender Awareness Week 13th to 19th November 2022

Written by Corey Trembath one of the wonderful Board Directors of WIP

“Trans Joy, why it’s important everyday” A letter from a Trans Dad to the TGD Community.  

Transgender Awareness Week often ends on a sombre note, due to the timing of Transgender Day of Remembrance. We spend a week platforming and uplifting our community to then have a stark reminder of the harsh realities our community faces. 

This year I am asking you to change your mindset, of course we need to remember our community but the statement “mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living” is something we need to start embracing more. I don’t mean from an advocacy perspective, which of course those of us with capacity are doing, I mean we need to fight for our self-love. A lot of us have trekked a hard trail to be the person we are, regardless of your experiences with your own family and social circles we exist in a world that can often feel like we are being set up for failure. 

This year I am asking you to be your own biggest cheer leader, I want you celebrate the person you are. You achieved so much by simply breathing life into the words that affirmed who you truly are! A gargantuan feat that is only surpassed by you living that life every day in the face of great adversity. I can say with 100% certainty is that each and everyone one of you has the support of the entire TGD community behind you, it may not always feel that way and you might sometimes feel alone and isolated. I know it can be hard to reach out and find a place, I spent years in friendship groups that didn’t “fit me”, feeling like the odd one out and rarely making deep and lasting connections. The minute I had the courage to join the TGD community, I found family! I found friends that I know I will have for the rest of my life, I found siblings, I became an uncle and big brother. 

This Transgender Awareness Week, I want you to start every day looking in the mirror. Look at the person you are, how do you feel? Let the feelings wash over you, good or bad but remember this: You are loved, you are cherished, you are enough. You are living a life that your younger self could never have imagined, and that is where Trans Joy begins. You do not have to be on hormones, have had surgery, wear any specific clothing or makeup to be a “good trans or gender diverse person”. 

Trans Joy should be felt all year round, not just on those days of importance. Trans Joy is in the fine print, the everyday actions you take as a TGD person. An action as simple as going to the supermarket or walking down the street is an act of Trans Joy because you are living your life. 

Every time you step out into the world, you are celebrating yourself. This is Trans Joy. 

When you challenge perceptions about gender, you are celebrating yourself. This is Trans Joy.

The existence of you in this world is a celebration and THAT is Trans Joy

Be kind to yourself, your journey might not always be easy, but remember that there are resources and community available can help. Utilise resources from TGD community organisations, join TGD community groups, utilise queer peer support services like Qlife, seek out friends online if in person isn’t your thing, follow TGD social media accounts, stay hydrated and stay safe!